Proportion and Indications of Emergency Cesarean Sections at Khartoum Bahri teaching Hospital, 2021

dc.contributor.authorDar Elnaeem Mustafa Altayeb Mohamed
dc.contributor.authorMai Mohammed Adam Abdullah
dc.contributor.authorDonia Nabawy Abd ElAleem Qwaider
dc.description.abstractBackground Caesarian section is considered as a safer alternative to prolonged and difficult vaginal operative delivery and reduces maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. As a procedure it has related complication, whenever the decision made it should be evidence based. Objective To estimate the proportion and Indication of Emergency Cesarean Section at Khartoum Bahri teaching Hospital, 2021 Methods Retrospective descriptive study was conducted in statistical unit of Khartoum Bahri teaching hospital from June to December 2021 covering caesarian section patients’ records with in the years 2021. Data was collected, entered, presented using SPSS version 25.0. Results This study covered 130 patients’ records (women who had emergency caesarian sections). Most of them 101 (77.7%) were 18 / 39 years in age. The majority 103 (79.2%) were from urban residential areas, more than half of them were educated until secondary level of above, nearly half of them were housewives 64 (49.2%). More than third of them 48 (36.9%) were multiparous. Some of them had comorbidities such as hypertension 14 (6.9%). The majority of them were full term. The most common indications for emergency caesarian sections were abnormal presentation 47 (36.2%), pre-eclampsia 16 (12.3%), placenta Previa 15 (11.5%) and tubal ligation among only 10 (7.7%). Intraoperative complications were reported among 11 (8.5%) of them such as bladder injury 7 (5.4%) and bowel injury 1 (0.8%). Only 18 (13.8%) received blood transfusion, with no reactions. Most of the mothers were admitted to the general word after the caesarian section with no maternal death. In regards to the foetal outcome, the study found that 121 (93.1%) were delivered alive babies, 9 (6.6%) dead, 4 (3.1%) admitted for nursery. Conclusion: the proportion of c/s was 18% and The majority of deliveries with no but the common complication are Anesthetic complications, Bladder injury, Bowel injury, Wound infection and Hematoma, we recommend Measures such as trial of labor in primigravidae and increase the rate of instrumental delivery have to take to reduce this high rate of cesarean delivery in Sudan hospitals
dc.description.sponsorshipNapata College
dc.publisherNapata College
dc.titleProportion and Indications of Emergency Cesarean Sections at Khartoum Bahri teaching Hospital, 2021
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