Six Cases of Fungal Peritonitis Complicating Peritoneal Dialysis in a Single Center in Sudan

dc.contributor.authorHasan Abu-Aisha
dc.contributor.authorElwaleed A M Elhassan
dc.contributor.authorMaha A Hummeida
dc.contributor.authorOsman-mahir M A Mahir
dc.contributor.authorHisham M Ali
dc.contributor.authorAymun I Mobarak
dc.contributor.authorJamal Abdel-Raheem
dc.contributor.authorUm-Alhasan Mohamed
dc.contributor.authorHassan A Musa
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: A national program of continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) has only recently been established in Sudan. In the head center of this national program, six of the 67 peritonitis episodes that were diagnosed during its 30 months of function were fungal in origin (9% of all episodes, 0.12 episode per year at risk). Here we describe the clinical features, predisposing factors, and outcomes of these six cases. Case series: Clinical presentation of fungal peritonitis did not differ from other cases of peritonitis. Among the six cases that were diagnosed in our center, five cases were due to Candida species and only one was due to Aspergillus. All patients had received antibiotic therapy within one month of diagnosing fungal peritonitis; five of them had received intraperitoneal (IP) antibiotics for a previous episode of bacterial peritonitis and one patient had received a course of oral antibiotics for exit site infection. Two of the patients were diabetic. All patients were treated with oral fluconazole, 200 mg daily, for three weeks, and all had their dialysis catheter removed. One patient died, and the others were transferred permanently to hemodialysis (HD). Two patients developed encysted intra-abdominal fluid collections 15 and 48 days after catheter removal. Conclusion: Fugal peritonitis complicating CAPD is not uncommon in our center, which serves a major portion of the CAPD population in the Sudan. Most patients responded to oral fluconazole treatment and catheter removal, but two of them suffered from late complications.
dc.identifier.citationElhassan, E., Hummeida, M., Mahir, O., Ali, H., Mobarak, A., Abdel-Raheem, J., Mohamed, U., Musa, H. and Abu-Aisha, H., 2009. Six cases of fungal peritonitis complicating peritoneal dialysis in a single center in Sudan. Arab Journal of Nephrology and Transplantation, 2(2), pp.45-47.
dc.identifier.citationElhassan, E., Hummeida, M., Mahir, O., Ali, H., Mobarak, A., Abdel-Raheem, J., Mohamed, U., Musa, H. and Abu-Aisha, H., 2009. Six cases of fungal peritonitis complicating peritoneal dialysis in a single center in Sudan. Arab Journal of Nephrology and Transplantation, 2(2), pp.45-47.
dc.titleSix Cases of Fungal Peritonitis Complicating Peritoneal Dialysis in a Single Center in Sudan
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